To The Freshmen on My Floor: A Follow-Up

Dear girls,

Guess what? You have all made it to week fifteen. I would ask you how it feels, but I think most of you would respond with something like, "Stresssssss!" (Insert several laughing and crying emojis here.) We're all feeling the end-of-semester build up and it's hard and exhausting and makes us want to be done.

But don't quit yet.

I looked back on the letter I wrote you at week six and I smiled. "Knowing" has taken on a deeper meaning than it had before. Some of you have shared your stories with me; a few have even shared your tears. It has been one of the greatest delights for me this semester to sit with you and listen to your hearts, and here's why: God is moving in you.

You might be too close to see it yet, but I see it. You've come a long way. Sometimes it makes me want to dance when I glimpse the hand of God in your lives (and y'all know I'm not the dancing type, most of the time). Here are a few of the ways:

I have seen it as you have become friends with each other, supporting and listening to one another in your joy and your pain.

I have seen as a couple of you have changed your majors, aligning yourselves with the gifting and calling He is making obvious in you.

I have seen in your willingness to go to counseling, and in general to talk through the things that hurt you.

I have seen it in your willingness to ask for hugs.

I have seen it in your smiles sometimes, when you tell me with radiant faces that God is showing you where you need to work on things and you are obeying.

I have seen it in the glorious beauty of your confessions, which is setting you free.

I had the thought last night that I want to work with college freshmen forever, because you guys are so ripe to be moved by God. I am so deeply thankful for each one of you and the ways God has challenged and shaped me through you.

So even in your stress, remember that I am proud of you, and you are so very, very loved.


Jessi Bee


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